255 research outputs found

    Temporal STIT logic and its application to normative reasoning

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    International audienceI present a variant of STIT with time, called T-STIT (Temporal STIT), interpreted in standard Kripke semantics. On the syntactic level, T-STIT is nothing but the extension of atemporal individual STIT by: (i) the future tense and past tense operators, and (ii) the operator of group agency for the grand coalition (the coalition of all agents). A sound and complete axiomatisation for T-STIT is given. Moreover, it is shown that T-STIT supports reasoning about interesting normative concepts such as the concepts of achievement obligation and commitment

    On the epistemic foundation for iterated weak dominance: an analysis in a logic of individual and collective attitudes

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a logical framework for representing static and dynamic properties of different kinds of individual and collective attitudes. A complete axiomatization as well as a decidability result for the logic are given. The logic is applied to game theory by providing a formal analysis of the epistemic conditions of iterated deletion of weakly dominated strategies (IDWDS), or iterated weak dominance for short. The main difference between the analysis of the epistemic conditions of iterated weak dominance given in this paper and other analysis is that we use a semi-qualitative approach to uncertainty based on the notion of plausibility first introduced by Spohn, whereas other analysis are based on a quantitative representation of uncertainty in terms of probabilities

    A Logic of "Black Box" Classifier Systems

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    Binary classifiers are traditionally studied by propositional logic (PL). PL can only represent them as white boxes, under the assumption that the underlying Boolean function is fully known. Binary classifiers used in practical applications and trained by machine learning are however opaque. They are usually described as black boxes. In this paper, we provide a product modal logic called PLC (Product modal Logic for binary input Classifier) in which the notion of "black box" is interpreted as the uncertainty over a set of classifiers. We give results about axiomatics and complexity of satisfiability checking for our logic. Moreover, we present a dynamic extension in which the process of acquiring new information about the actual classifier can be represented.Comment: 17 page

    A Path in the Jungle of Logics for Multi-Agent Systems: on the Relation between General Game-Playing Logics and Seeing-To-It-That Logics

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    In the recent years, several concurrent logical systems for reasoning about agency and social interaction and for representing game properties have been proposed. The aim of the present paper is to put some order in this 'jungle' of logics by studying the relationship between the dynamic logic of agency DLA and the game description language GDL. The former has been proposed as a variant of the logic of agency STIT by Belnap et al. in which agents' action are named, while the latter has been introduced in AI as a formal language for reasoning about general game-playing. The paper provides complexity results for the satisfiability problems of both DLALogic and GDL as well as a polynomial embedding of GDL into DLA

    Ockhamist Propositional Dynamic Logic: a natural link between PDL and CTL

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    International audienceWe present a new logic called Ockhamist Propositional Dynamic Logic, OPDL, which provides a natural link between PDL and CTL*. We show that both PDL and CTL* can be polynomially embedded into OPDL in a rather simple and direct way. More generally, the semantics on which OPDL is based provides a unifying framework for making the dynamic logic family and the temporal logic family converge in a single logical framework. Decidability of the satisfiability problem for OPDL is studied in the paper

    Evaluating Power of Agents from Dependence Relations in Boolean Games

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a new methodology for evaluating the relative power of agents in a strategic situation formally represented by a boolean game. The methodology consists in extracting a power ranking from the dependence relation induced by a certain boolean game. Our approach is axiomatic. We provide a number of desirable postulates that a notion of dependence is expected to satisfy and we compare competing notions of dependence, included a notion based on the concept of veto player, with respect to them. Similarly, we provide a set of postulates for power functions (i.e., the family of functions mapping dependence graphs to power rankings) and evaluate some new methods as well as existing ones (e.g., Pagerank) with respect to this set of postulates

    Trust-based belief change

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    International audienceWe propose a modal logic that supports reasoning about trust-based belief change. The term trust-based belief change refers to belief change that depends on the degree of trust the receiver has in the source of information

    Nonmonotonic Desires: A Possibility Theory Viewpoint

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    International audienceIf an agent desires that ϕ and desires that ψ, this agent often also desires that ϕ and ψ hold at the same time (ϕ ∧ ψ). However, there are cases where ϕ ∧ ψ may be found less satisfactory for the agent than each of ϕ or ψ alone.This paper is a first attempt at modeling such nonmonotonic desires. The approach is developed in the setting of possibility theory, since it has been recently pointed out that guaranteed (or strong) possibility measures are a good candidate for modeling graded desires. Although nonmonotonic reasoning has been studied extensively for knowledge, and that preferential nonmonotonic consequence relations can be faithfully represented in the possibilistic setting, nonmonotonic desires appear to require a different approach
